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The ITASC Eco-Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Forum and the inaugural meeting of the Shanghai Creative Society Eco-Road Special Committee were successfully held

作者:访问量:发布时间:2022/05/21 17:51:24

Under the great needs of ecological civilization, transportation power construction and double carbon goal, the Professional Committee of Ecological Road of Shanghai Creation Society was initially established in June 2021, and formally established on May 21, 2022. The formal establishment ceremony was presided over by Zeng Xiaoqing, Secretary-General of Shanghai Creative Society and Professor of Tongji University. At the meeting, Professor Li Guoqiang, President of Shanghai Creative Society and former Vice President of Tongji University, said that under the external environment with increasingly prominent ecological and environmental problems, traditional road projects are in urgent need of ecological transformation to meet the higher demand for ecological environment in the future. It is important, necessary and timely to establish a professional committee of ecological road. And announced the formal establishment of the ecological road Committee. Then Professor Li Hui, the founding director of the Committee and Tongji University, introduced the background of the establishment, the purpose of the committee, the founding members of the committee, the organization and management, and the work plan in detail.

Creation and invention is the highest, most active and most meaningful practical activity in human labor. It promotes the development of social science and technology and human progress, and provides mankind with splendid material civilization and brilliant spiritual civilization.    At the same time, he stressed that "the decision made by the CPC Central Committee and The State Council to build an innovation-oriented country is a major strategic decision concerning the overall socialist modernization drive." Wang Daohan, former Secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, created an inscription for the journal of the Association. Qian Weichang, former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Li Guohao, academician of the National People's Congress, served as the honorary president. Deng Xuchu, former Secretary of the CPC Committee of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Yuan Zhangdu, former Director of the Shanghai Collective Office and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group, Wu Qidi, former Vice Minister of Education and President of Tongji University served as the president successively.

Creativity is a new discipline that studies the laws of human discovery, invention, creation and innovation. It consists of creative philosophy, creative psychology, creative environment, creative thinking, creative education, creative techniques and so on. Its ultimate goal is to provide a scientific ladder for the process of human creative activities from randomness to physicochemistry. Shanghai Creative Society is a social and academic organization with the purpose of spreading creative culture, promoting creative knowledge and applying creative theory. It takes "Creative making life more wonderful" as its main theme: creative making is the crystallization of human wisdom and makes life full of surprises and beauty. Creation is the source of a nation's development and progress, so that the tree of life evergreen and lush.

Shanghai Creative Society ( was approved by the Publicity Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (No. 319 of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China) in November 1986. The owner is in charge of the Shanghai Federation of Social Organizations and the administrative leadership is the Municipal Society Administration Bureau. Affiliated Unit Zeng Siyi: the first affiliated unit, Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 1986 to 1989; The second affiliated unit was Shanghai Collective Office from 1989 to 1993; The third affiliated unit was Shanghai Patent Administration from 1993 to 2001; The fourth affiliated unit, Tongji University since 2001. The institute consists of three branches: Creation Theory and Creation Education Research Committee; Research Committee on Creativity Development of Enterprises and Institutions; Literary and Artistic Innovation Research Committee. The society has nearly 1,000 members, of whom more than 50% are researchers, professors and senior engineers. The Council, the Standing Council and the Party working group shall be the leading organs of the Institute.

Ecological Road Committee of Shanghai Creative Society Road Ecology Committee in Shanghai Creative Studies Institute (Road Ecology Committee in Shanghai Creative Studies Institute) is a secondary professional academic organization under the direct leadership of Shanghai Creative Studies Institute. It is a second-level academic non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by units and individuals engaged in the field of ecological road in Shanghai and other provinces and cities.

The purpose of the Ecological Road Committee of Shanghai Creative Society is to promote the development of creative research in the field of ecological roads, mainly including "sponge city" rainwater flood management pervious ecological roads, cool pavement to mitigate urban heat island effect, road material recycling, road landscape ecology, road infrastructure environment and resource economics and policies. At present, the committee has 35 members, including relevant institutions of higher learning, design and research institutes, management institutions and construction enterprises. The society has more than 50 individual members, all of whom are professors, engineers, researchers or road technology workers with master's or doctor's degrees. We warmly welcome more business members and individual members to join, and jointly promote the development of interdisciplinary road ecology and ecological road industry.

After the founding meeting of the committee, the 5th ITASC International Conference on Intelligent Transportation and Smart City in 2022, Ecological Intelligent Transportation infrastructure Forum was opened. The forum was presided over by Xue Meigen, president of Shanghai Urban and Rural Construction and Transportation Development Institute, and Cao Yadong, consultant chief engineer of Shanghai Highway and Bridge (Group) Co., LTD.

Please watch the video of the forum:

The PPT of the forum report is as follows:


主题: 生态道路与智慧交通



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联系人:李辉 电话:021-69581065 邮箱


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