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The Sustainable Pavement Engineering Research Group of Road and Airport Engineering Department, School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University was established in 2015. He is mainly engaged in research and teaching on the sustainability, resilience and intelligence of transportation infrastructure and urban environment to promote the sustainable development of transportation infrastructure. Include:

1. Functional ecological paving materials and structure;

2.Road paving mechanics and ecological balance coordination;

3.Full life cycle analysis and design method (LCA);

4. Low-carbon transport infrastructure;

5. Highway digitization and intelligent management;

6. Resilient Transport infrastructure.

Professor Li Hui, the leader of the research group, graduated from the University of California, Davis, with a doctorate degree in civil and environmental engineering. He is a national high-level overseas talent and currently serves as the emeritus professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Transportation, Tongji University. Two monographs in Chinese and one in English have been published. He has published 112 high-level papers, including 56 SCI indexed academic papers (35 of which are the first author or corresponding author), 30 JCR Q1 Region I papers, and 6 papers rated as TRB Practice-Ready Paper. Total citations 2125 times, the highest single paper citations 250 times; Authorized and applied for 25 patents, formulated 5 standards, and won 3 provincial and ministerial level awards and above. The Research results have been reported by Better Roads in the United States, Environmental Research Web in Europe, Science Chinese and other media. He won the 2015 National High-level Overseas Talents Award, the 2015 Outstanding Young Scientist Award, the Wang Binggang Young Scholar Award, and the China Highway Youth Science and Technology Award. He also serves as deputy editor of International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology (Elsevier) and Youth communication expert of Chinese Academy of Engineering(Elsevier). And has been awarded the Outstanding Reviewer Award by several international academic journals such as Elsevier and ASCE. Environmental Research Letters, Sustainable Cities and Society, Transportation Research D, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering and other more than 20 international well-known journals invited as editorial board members and review experts. He serves on the TRB Committee of Environmental Analysis in Transportation (ADC10), the ACI Committee of Sustainability of Concrete (ACI 130) and other international academic committees.

He has presided over more than 10 projects at the national and provincial levels, such as the National Key research and development Program, the National Overseas High-level Talents Fund, and the National Natural Science Fund. From 2016 to 2019, it took the lead in carrying out the key project "Research and Application of Key Technologies for Low-impact Development of Permeable Pavement in Sponge City" under the National Key Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology "Inter-governmental Cooperation on Science and Technology Innovation" (8.65 million yuan). Held and co-organized 3 international seminars on Permeable Pavement (TRB, University of California Davis, 2017, Tongji University).

The research results revealed the percolation, photothermal, acoustic and mechanical characteristics and mechanisms of the large gap pavement material, developed the permeable pavement with the combined ecological functions of water purification, cooling and noise reduction, and proposed the comprehensive evaluation method of the economic cost and environmental impact of the whole life cycle of permeable pavement. The results have been widely applied in many domestic and international ecological pavement projects (California, Pakistan, Cote d 'Ivoire), and the first ecological permeable pavement service area (Qugang Expressway Andguo Ecological Service Area) has been built in China. He won the first Prize of Science and Technology Award of China Highway Society in 2021 (1/15, 2019), the Special Prize of Science and Technology Award of Shanghai Traffic Engineering Society in 2021 (3/20, 2020), the second Prize of Science and Technology Award of China Highway Society in 2019 (2/10, 2019), and the Youth Science and Technology Award of China Highway Society in 2019 (1/1, In 2019).

                                                                                          (Updated on 2020/12/26)


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