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Postdoctoral, Researcher, and Faculty Recruitment Announcement

1. Introduction of the group

The Center for Sustainable Transportation (CST) of the Department of Road and Airport Engineering, School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, was established in 2015 and is mainly engaged in the research of sustainability, resilience, and intelligence of transportation infrastructure to promote sustainable transportation development. Specific research directions include:

(1) Ecologically functional pavement durability and safety.

(2) Characterization and control of noise, light, heat, water, soil, gas, and other multi-source pollution in the road domain.

(3) Ecological low-carbon pavement materials.

(4) Intelligent operation and maintenance of highways.

(5) Resilient Transportation Infrastructure.

(6) Life cycle assessment and management of transportation infrastructure.

2. Requirements for Candidates

(1) Applicants for postdoctoral, researcher, and faculty positions should have a PhD degree from a well-known university at home or abroad or be a graduate of a well-known university at home or abroad and major in transportation engineering, civil and environmental engineering, chemical and materials engineering, ecological or environmental engineering, software engineering, information engineering, or other related majors. Interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary talents are warmly welcomed to apply.

(2) Due to the internationalization of team development, candidates are required to have a good foundation in English. Preference will be given to those with overseas study experience, those who have received approved invention patents, and those who have published SCI academic papers in English.

(3) Strong interest in scientific research, motivation and independent thinking, self-motivation and management skills, hard work, honesty, trustworthiness, and a good teamwork spirit.

(4) This recruitment is valid for a long period of time, and those who apply first will be given priority.

3. Remuneration package

The university offers competitive remuneration packages, with titles and treatment determined on a case-by-case basis from the highest.

Ÿ Full-time general postdoctoral salary ≥ 300,000 per year.

Ÿ Assistant Professor/Associate Researcher with an annual salary ≥ 350,000.

Ÿ Associate Professor/Associate Researcher ≥ 400,000 per year.

In addition to the basic salary, candidates can also apply for the four youth talent introduction programs, such as Bosin, Super Bo, Shanghai Qixing, and Overseas Excellent Youth.

4. Various Introduction Projects

(1) "Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Program"

The "Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program" is a support program for young top talents established by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Postdoctoral Administration Committee in 2016. This program is another important initiative to cultivate high-level innovative young top talents in China. Its purpose is to accelerate the cultivation of a number of outstanding young scientific and technological innovation talents who enter the frontiers of science and technology in the world.

Aiming at the major national strategies, strategic high-tech and frontier areas of basic science, the "BoXin Program" selects a group of fresh or recently graduated outstanding PhDs to engage in postdoctoral research in domestic postdoctoral institutions in conjunction with national laboratories and other key research bases. Each postdoctoral fellow will be given a grant of not less than 300,000 RMB per year (including postdoctoral daily expenses, research start-up expenses, and international academic exchange expenses) for a period of two years. The postdoctoral research unit will give financial support to the candidate according to a certain standard or proportion based on his scientific research performance during his stay. Up to now, a total of 50 people have been selected by Tongji University for the program. At the same time, the postdoctoral fellows who have received funding from the "BoXin Plan" can be directly included in the "Shanghai Super Postdoctoral Fellowship" through the recommendation of the station-establishing unit. The program will give each person a grant of 100,000 RMB per year. In addition, the university will provide a total of 360,000 RMB in housing allowance and performance for 3 years, and the postdoc annual salary can reach 400,000RMB or more.

For more information, please visit

(2) "Shanghai Super Postdoctoral Program

The post-doctoral fellows who have received funding from the "BoXin Plan" can be directly included in the "Shanghai Super Postdoctoral Fellowship" through the recommendation of the station-establishing unit. The program will give each person a grant of 100,000 RMB per year.

For more information, please visit the Tongji University Personal Office Website:

(3) Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (SSTC) Star Project

Information on the "Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan" of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission can be found at

5. Introduction of Subject Leader

Hui Li is a national overseas high-level talent (Ministry of Organization) and a professor (Tenure track) and doctoral supervisor in the College of Transportation Engineering of Tongji University. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and an M.S. degree in Environmental and Resource Economics from the University of California, Davis, USA, and a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering and an M.S. degree in Road and Railway Engineering from Southeast University. He is a member of several internationally renowned academic committees, including the Transportation Environmental Analysis Committee (ADC10) of TRB, a member of the Young Experts Committee of the China Highway Society, a member of the 5th Council of the Environment and Sustainable Development Branch of the China Highway Society, and a founding director of the Ecological Roads Professional Committee of the Shanghai Creation Society. His main research areas are sustainability, resilience, and intelligence in transportation infrastructure. He has published more than 110 high-level papers, including more than 60 SCI papers, 3 monographs in English and Chinese (including 1 independent English monograph), 11 invention patents (including 1 U.S. patent), 5 technical standards, and 3 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards (all ranked No. 1). He is the executive associate editor of Transportation Science and Technology (IJTST, EI), the editor-in-chief of Transportation Safety and Environment (editors-in-chief: Academicians Tian Hongqi and Lu Chunfang), and TRD Transportation Environment (SCI, JCR Q1). He is a member of the editorial board of journals, a young expert in engineering journals, and a member of many famous international academic committees such as ACI and TRB. His achievements have directly served a series of major projects such as the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, the Green Winter Olympics, the Xiong'an New Area, Sponge City, California, and green highway construction in countries along the "Belt and Road".

6. Contact information

Interested candidates should send their application materials to Prof. Hui Li at

Title of email: [Application] Name + School + Major + Application Category (Postdoctoral, Researcher or Teaching Position).

Application materials: applicants for postdoctoral, researcher and faculty positions should provide CV + 3-5 representative achievements (thesis, patents, standards, awards, etc.) + contact information of 2-3 referees.

Prof. Hui Li treats his team members responsibly and gives them full freedom and autonomy for research. The relevant treatment is high and can bring all aspects of help to the team members. We warmly welcome young people with ideals and ambitions to join our subject team!


联系人:李辉 电话:021-69581065 邮箱


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