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u 英国卫报 “China's 'sponge cities' are turning streets green to combat flooding”. The Guardian, Dec 28, 2017. (link)

u 中国交通报 “道路变“海绵” 下雨不“看海” ——同济大学交通运输工程学院透水铺装的研究与实践”. 中国交通新闻网, May 31, 2018. (link)

u 中国交通新闻网 路面“会呼吸” 大雨“不看海”——同济大学交通运输工程学院透水铺装研究项目获奖. 中国交通新闻网, Dec 17, 2020. (link)

u 科普时报 智能调温透水路面让城市更宜居. 科普时报, Dec 25,2020.

u 欧洲环境研究网 “Permeable pavements could cool cities and help prevent flooding”. Environmental Research Web, April 23, 2013. (link)

u 美国Better Road杂志  “Permeable Asphalt and ‘Heat Islands’”, Special Transportation Research Board 2013 Report. Better Road, April 2013. (web link; full issue, pg. 28-29; Expressways Online, pg. 28-29)

u 美国绿化景观杂志Landscape Online Weekly  “Permeable Pavers: Antidote to Urban Heat Effect?” Landscape Online Weekly, May 8, 2013. (link)

u 美国绿化景观网 Pathway Cafe  “Permeable pavers help solve residential urban heat island effect”. Pathway Cafe, May 30, 2013. (link)

u 硅谷自行车联盟报 “UC Davis report on chip seal and bike ride quality”. Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, Jan 13, 2014. (link)

u Cambrian “Cyclists offer few details on pavement test ride”. The Cambrian, July 16, 2013. (link)

u Cambrian “Local cyclists to test out new surface options for Highway 1”. The Cambrian, July 11, 2013. (link)

u Tribune 新闻“Caltrans hires company to test pavement on Hwy. 1”. The Tribune News, May 8, 2013. (link)


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